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To get to the restaurant
A Ma Façon
Restaurant A Ma Façon
10 rue Docteur Mazet 38000 Grenoble
09 51 58 50 61
By bus
Bus C1: “Docteur Mazet” stop
By tram
Tram A, B, E: stop "Alsace Lorraine" then 6mn on foot (450m)
Tram A, B: stop "Victor Hugo" 4mn on foot (350m)
By car
Possibility to park in Docteur Mazet Street for free from 7 p.m.
Parkings :
Free parking at the Esplanade, Bd de l'Esplanade, 38000 Grenoble, then 10 minutes on foot (700m)
Parking Grenoble Grenette cable car (ex. Philippeville), 5 Rue de Belgrade, 38000 Grenoble then 4mn walk (300m)
Vinci Park Services car parks, Place Philippeville, 38000 Grenoble then 8mn walk (600m)
By bike or scooter
Parking on rue Docteur Mazet, at the crossing of Avenue Félix Viallet
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